Smaller legacy cities can leverage their unique quality of place to draw people to live, work, and play there.

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The link between quality of place and the ability to attract and retain talent has become increasingly clear. Placemaking – or the process of creating places where people want to live, work, and spend time – should be a considered an important component of smaller legacy cities’ economic development strategies.

The Walkability Checklist ➔
Walkability is about ensuring a safe and pleasant pedestrian experience. 70 percent of Americans say walkability is a high priority for where they want to live.

Complete Street Toolkit ➔
The Minnesota Complete Streets Coalition created a toolkit for local governments on how to implement a complete streets policy.

Public Spaces Community Places ➔
This grant program, the first of its kind, is operated by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Michigan Municipal League, and funds small projects that activate public space.

Creating a Sense of Place Through Complete Streets ➔
Complete streets are a way of thinking about how we design our public roadways.

The Lighter Quicker Cheaper (LQC) Method ➔
This type of placemaking, coined by the Project for Public Spaces, refers to simple projects that are short-term and low-cost.

The Four Types of Placemaking ➔
In the report “Definition of Placemaking: Four Different Types,” MSU Land Policy Institute’s Mark Wyckoff details what placemaking means and the variety of its interpretations. 

The Economic Impact of Placemaking ➔
Placemaking is about strengthening the sense of community, but it has profound economic impacts as well.

If you have a resource you would like to see in the toolkit – drop us a line